Shiloh Christian Academy is currently in its seventh year. We are a PreK through seventh grade classical Christian school that provides a rigorous, Christian curriculum.
As a growing school, eighth grade classes will be added for the 2025-26 school year.
Hereafter, we will continue to add a grade level each year.

Total Cost Per Year
Kindergarten through Class Eight $6,500.00
PreK $3,250.0
Three tuition payment options are available for your remaining tuition balance:
Paid over a 12-month period - $541.67/$270.83 due the first of each month. Payments will begin June 1 and end May 1.
Bi-annual Payment - $3,250/$1,625 due June 1. The additional $3,000/$1,500 is due December 1.
A one-time payment due June 1 ($6,500/$3,250)
If you would like to customize your payment schedule, please let us know and we can make arrangements.
Tuition does not include all costs that may be incurred. ​Examples are transportation to and from school, lunches, uniforms, sports, some additional school supply needs, and field trips.
Sibling discounts are available.
Sibling Discount Example:
1st child Full tuition $6,500
2nd child $250 discount $6,250
3rd+ child $500 discount $6,000